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When to File a Claim

​When should I file a WSIB claim?

You should file a claim with the WSIB if:

  • you were injured in an accident at work (for example, falling off a ladder, or sudden back pain after lifting or twisting) 
  • you develop medical problems that you think are caused by the type of work you do (for example, tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome caused by repetitive movements over time), or 
  • you develop a disease or medical problems that you think are caused by work exposure (for example, exposure to noise, chemicals, or dust)

To file a WSIB claim, you should also be working in an industry covered by workplace insurance. For more information, see Who is Covered by the Act?.

For more information on the types of injuries and illnesses that may be covered by WSIB benefits, see Types of Claims.

What if the accident was my fault?

Workplace insurance is a no-fault system. This means that you do not need to show that the accident was your employer’s fault to get benefits. Even if you or your employer think that the accident at work was your fault, you are still entitled to benefits and services from the WSIB in almost all cases.

How long can I wait before filing a WSIB claim?

In order to receive WSIB benefits, you must file a claim as soon as possible, and no later than six months from the date of your accident. If you have an occupational disease, the six months runs from the date you discover you have the disease and that it is work-related. If you have a disablement (a condition that emerges gradually over time, such as carpal tunnel syndrome), the six months runs from the date you report the disablement as work-related. You can report this to your employer, your doctor (or other health professional), or the WSIB.

What if I did not file a WSIB claim in time?

The WSIB is able to extend the time limit for filing a claim in certain cases. If you are late, you can still file a claim and ask the WSIB to extend the time limit. For more information, see Time Limit Extensions: Filing a Claim.

Important Information

This publication contains general information only. It is not legal advice about a particular situation and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified representative. This publication was last updated on the revision date listed below.

February 1, 2013